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Liability Risk Management for a Legal Practitioner
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Legal Practitioners


Professional Liability Risk Management 

Points to consider on professional liability risk management for a legal practitioner, or professional. Lien-Pro assists many legal professionals to mitigate risk and protect the firm and its partners and associates. As the cost of professional liability insurance continues to climb, it becomes increasing important to incorporate liability risk management. 

One of the professional areas that carry the most risk liability for the least reward is the filing of a Builders' Lien. Most clients wait until the last possible moment hoping the payment will arrive. Racing to file a lien before the deadline can create mistakes. It also increases the probability of being sued for professional malpractice, which goes up commensurate with the amount of the lien. Costs can soar when there is a lack of risk liability management. 

Service your Client while reducing risk liability 

Since 2006, Lien-Pro continues to be Canada's only Oil and Gas and Construction Lien filing firm. We help clients file liens throughout Canada. Our experience is a protective component of effective risk liability management. 

Filing Builders' Liens is all we do! Lien-Pro has developed the expertise, systems, search capabilities and staffing necessary to get difficult liens filed on time. Our "proven proprietary system ensures that all liens are reviewed three times for accuracy. In fact, many of your partners and associates may already be familiar with our expertise in risk liability management. 

Service your Client while reducing risk liability 

Lien-Pro can help you mitigate risk associated with filing liens, allowing you to focus on the more profitable work of construction litigation. We can help your practice in two ways: 

Outsource your risk and make more money

Meet with your client to obtain the necessary documentation and then outsource the lien process and risk to us. Lien-Pro will file the lien and provide you with all paperwork. Many firms are already enjoying their savings, which go directly to the bottom line. Our involvement will be unknown or seamless to your client. This process is similar to that of outsourcing real estate title conveyancing, which is another example of smart liability risk management. 

Refer your client to us or we can work through you. You are in control of the client relationship.

When the lien filing deadline is getting close to the wire and time is of the essence, refer your client to us. Lien-Pro will get your clients lien filed accurately and on time. As soon as the lien gets filed, our firm will refer the customer back to you and you have avoided any risk liability. 

Lien-Pro carries professional practice liability insurance and continuously monitors risk at all material times. 

For more information, have a look at our lien fee schedule. Your client will be served efficiently and at a reasonable cost. You can also schedule a free consultation on risk liability management.