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British Columbia Services|Lien-Pro
 It's Time To
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Office Hours
Mon-Fri (MDT)

British Columbia

British Columbia Services

To quickly file a Builders' Lien in British Columbia, your lawyer will need the following information:

  • True corporate name and incorporation number of your customers
  • True corporate name and incorporation number for your company
  • EXACT legal description of the property where the work or materials were provided

Lien-Pro Inc. provides full Business Intelligence services to prep information quickly in order for a lawyer or legal professional to register your builders� lien in British Columbia correctly the first time and avoid last minute delays. If we receive your BC Builders' Lien Business Intelligence request before Noon Mountain Standard Time (12 pm MST), your BC Builders' Lien Business Intelligence request will be processed and returned to you the same day. If your request is received post Noon Mountain Standard Time, your BC Builders' Lien Business Intelligence information will be sent on the next business day.

If you are unsure how many days you have left until your lien deadline, use our lien calculator.

If your claim is between day 1 to day 37 of the lien deadline then you can use our Regular - BC Business Intelligence Services

If your claim is between day 38 to day 45 of the lien deadline then you should use our  Rush - BC Business Intelligence Services.

Forty-Five Day Rule:

In British Columbia, a lien must be filed within 45 days after the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, or if not applicable, within 45 days after completion, abandonment or termination of the Head Contract, or else the lien will be invalid.

If a certificate of completion has been issued with respect to a contract or subcontract, the claims of lien of

a. the contractor or subcontractor, and
b. any persons engaged by or under the contractor or subcontractor

may be filed no later than 45 days after the date on which the certificate of completion was issued�

BC Lien Act.

In the event you must sue to prove/perfect your Builders' lien, you should be aware that Lien-Pro does not diarize the exact deadline of when this action must be commenced. It is the responsibility of the Customer.    

Lien-Pro does not prepare the lien but will assist you in having the British Columbia lien prepared by a qualified solicitor, and we will take all possible steps to ensure your Lien is filed at the Land Title Office within the time requirements. Please note our fee is for the preparation of Business Intelligence information. This fee does not include any additional charges that may be incurred by your legal professional.


Services Available in British Columbia:

Business Intelligence:
Added-Value Services: