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Condominium Caveats| Alberta
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Condominium Caveats


Alberta Condominium Caveats 

Lien-Pro files Condominium Caveats. A Condominium caveat is an official notice used by condominium boards, or their management companies, to help collect unpaid condominium fees and past due levies. Caveat is Latin for "let him beware�. In land law, a warning that someone is claiming an interest in a parcel of land  is the definition of a condominium caveat.

**In some cases, Lien-Pro will file the caveats and collect from your owners, at no cost to you - contact us to learn more** 

A Condominium Caveat is a notice of claim of an interest in land

A caveat must include a legal description of the land and clearly state the nature of the interest claimed and the grounds on which the condominium caveats claim is founded

Registration of a condominium caveat is merely notice of a claim of an interest in land. It does not actually confer rights onto the caveator. The interest claimed may, or may not, be a valid interest in the land. However, if its validity is disputed and upheld by the courts any person dealing with the land subsequent to the registration of the condominium caveats is subject to the interest claimed. 

Alberta Land Titles has a statutory obligation to mail a notice of any registered condominium caveats and the interest claimed to all registered owners on title. 

Filing a condominium caveat requires the following basic information:

Statement of Account

Full name and mailing address of Condominium owner

Legal description or last copy of title 

Browse our site for more information on our services. If you feel you should have an interest in a parcel of land then condominium caveats may be the way to go. Running out of time and need condominium caveats filed quickly, give us a call today for more details and your solution. You can also schedule a free introductory consultation on filing a Condominium Caveat .



Services Available in Alberta - Condominium Caveat:

Filing and Discharging Caveats: 
  • File a Caveat
  • Discharge a Caveat - Speak to a Lien-Pro representative to discharge your caveat
Added-Value Services: