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Construction Project Intel Reports| intel on construction projects
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Project Intel Reports


Construction Project Intel Reports 

In the construction industry, "sometimes the best deal is no deal�. This is why Lien-Pro has developed Construction Project Intel Reports to provide you with an overview of your potential customer and the project on which you may be bidding. Make an informed decision and do your due diligence prior to beginning work with a Project Intel Report

When bidding or taking on new jobs, you may be working for a new customer. How much do you know about your prospective customer and the project to which you are supplying? With our Construction Project Intel Reports, you can feel secure knowing you have done your research to understand and get the whole picture about your new job before you begin supplying work or materials.  

Project Intel Reports will tell you all about your potential customer 

Construction Project Intel Reports reveal who your customer is, ownership, other companies in which the business owners may be involved, supplier payment trends, registered address, credit-worthiness, any potential liens, and collection or legal items against them. You will develop a complete picture of your potential customer to ensure you are working with a secure, stable credit-worthy company. Feel secure knowing you are working with a company you want to do business with and that pay their bills on time and as agreed 

The research will tell you how the project is operating and let you know if there are potential issues or flags. You will know if the project has any restrictions that prevent you from filing a lien if there are any pending liens or legal registrations such as writs or caveats. Know in advance if the project has problems and take steps to minimize your risk.  

Why gather information before a project begins? 

There are many reasons to gather information BEFORE a construction project begins: 

  • Be aware of issues with the customer and the project and price accordingly 
  • Know exactly who your customer is � in the event you are required to file a lien, start collections or commence with legal action, it is essential that you know your customer�s exact legal name and address 
  • Unlike the vast majority of contractors, you will also know exactly where the project is located so you don�t need to rush to locate it at the last second in the event you need to file a lien. 
  • Find out if your new customers and project owners have a history of being involved with unsuccessful or poorly managed projects 

We caution that Construction or Builders Liens are NOT a credit granting tool.  The Project Intel Report should be implemented as part of an overall business risk mitigation strategy before supplying a customer or filing a construction builders lien. Never supply to a site if a lien is your only method of security

Project Intel Reports - $375.00 + disbursements & tax (approx. $575)

Our Construction Project Intel Reports Include the following information: 

Customer Information 

  • Corporate profile report 
  • Legal entity name and type 
  • Corporate status � confirm the company is active 
  • Registered office address 
  • Company Principals and Directors 
  • Updated credit report 
  • Find if your customer has any liens, collections, or legal items against them 
  • Payment trends � understand how your potential customer is currently operating and paying their trades

General Contractor Information 

  • Corporate profile report 
  • Legal entity name and type 
  • Registered Address 
  • Company Principals and Directors 

Project Information 

  • Assessment � Property Value 
  • Land Title 
  • Property ownership & registered address 
  • Mortgage � mortgage holder and value 
  • Registrations of interest 
  • Liens, writs, caveats, etc. 
  • Find out if you can potentially lien the property in the future - some properties you are ineligible to lien 



*If you would like a specific search, please review our search section for Land Title Searches, Corporation Searches or PPSA Searches