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Lien Demand Letter Services| Letter of Intent to lien
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Lien Demand Letter



Lien Demand Letter - Letter of Intent to Lien 

Our services for sending a Lien Demand Letter are available in all provinces and territories in Canada with Lien-Pro.  A Lien Demand Letter, also known as Letter of Intent to Lien, informs a delinquent customer of your intent to lien by a specific date if payment is not received by that date. For more detailed information refer to our definition page for a Lien Demand Letter.

This Letter of Intent to Lien is not to be taken lightly. When a lien is filed, all cash flow stops and your fellow contractors or suppliers on the job site will be impacted too. Getting paid without actually having to file a lien is the main reason for sending a lien demand letter

Advise the property owner and your customer of your intent to lien with a Lien Demand Letter.

A Lien-Pro Lien Demand Letter informs your customer and the property owner of your intent to lien if your outstanding accounts are not paid. This letter creates a sense of urgency as a firm deadline is set for payment, or else a lien will be filed.  Lien-Pro will send a registered Demand Letter to your customer and the property owner, informing them of your intent to lien within a specific time period (typically 15 days). The demand letter outlines the parties involved, describes the work done, list the outstanding balance of your account, and includes a legal description of the property you intend to lien. 

A Letter of Intent to Lien puts you in control 

Once you have advised the interested parties of your intent to lien, you are in control. A Lien Demand Letter lets everyone know your position. If you want to get your customer's attention to pay their bill and create a sense of urgency then it is wise to send a lien demand letter

If your customer pays their account, within the specified period outlined in the Lien Demand Letter, the process stops. If you are not paid, you have already provided a Lien Demand Letter, so there will be no surprises when you file a lien before your right to lien expires. 

A Lien Demand Letter helps decide whether filing a lien is necessary 

The deadline set in the Lien Demand Letter notifies your customer of a specific final demand date to pay.  We can help you decide if filing a lien is your best next course of action if the debtor ignores your lien demand letter. After you send a demand letter, you are not required to file a lien. Filing a lien is your decision.

To file a Lien Demand Letter, or Letter of intent to Lien use our simple online form for Filing a Legal Demand Letter.


Not ready to send a Demand Letter? Consider sending one of Lien-Pro's Notices of Completion (Pre-Lien)

Call us today for more Letter of Intent to Lien details or request a free Introductory consultation on Lien Demand Letters 

Have you been off-site or done your job for more than 30 days? Skip the letter and file a Builders' Lien

Send your customer a Demand Letter Today!