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Builders Lien Filing |Canada |How to put a lien on a house
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Builders Lien Filing


Builders Lien Filing


Lien-Pro provides Builders Lien filing services in all provinces and territories in Canada. In Canada, a Builders Lien is used to place a lien on a property. In some provinces, a Builders Lien is called a Mechanics Lien. In Ontario, a Builders Lien is called a Construction Lien.  If you need to file a lien against a house or property in Canada then the solution is to file a Builders Lien.  

Builders Liens in different provinces

Builders Liens, Construction Liens, and Mechanics Liens are all terms used through out Canada to describe the same tool, a "lien" for those in the construction industry who have provided work, materials, services or labour to "improve" a property. 

  • Builders Liens is a term used in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia and the Yukon - Builders Liens.
  • Construction Lien is the term used in Ontario-  Ontario Construction Lien 
  • Mechanics Lie is the term used in New Brunswick, PEI, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories and Nunavut -  Mechanics Liens


A Builders Lien attaches a Lien on Property 

When it comes to Builders Lien filing, each province and territory have different guidelines for filing a lien. For example: the Builders' Lien filing deadline in Canada can vary from 30 days in the Yukon to 60 days in Alberta and 90 days for oil and gas related work. It is important to be aware of the lien filing deadlines for the specific province/territory you are working in. 

To make this date easier to calculate, Lien-Pro has a lien date calculator available for your convenience. This lien calculator also calculates Construction Liens and Mechanics Lien filing deadlines on a property. Our lien calculator quickly tells you the time limit for filing a Builders Lien. 

Lien-Pro knows Lien Filing

Lien-Pro is up to date with all the latest Builders Lien developments and our system is simple, easy to use and cost effective. Instead of standing in line, let Lien-Pro take care of filing your Builders lien on a property, so you can concentrate on building your business. Our Builders Lien clients include Builders, general contractor, sub-contractors, suppliers and other companies who need to file a lien on a property. You will find Lien-Pro filing services quick and efficient. 

For those who are running out of time and need to file a Builders Lien immediately, call us today for more details. You can also schedule a free Introductory consultation on filing a Builders Lien.



Selecting the province where your project is located

AB - Alberta
BC - British Columbia

ON - Ontario
SK - Saskatchewan

 *Note: Lien-Pro does not currently provide lien filing services in MB, QC, the Maritimes (NS, PEI, NL), or Territories (NWT, YK, NU). If you would like a referral to a Lien-Pro partner, please contact us.