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Mechanics Lien Filing| Canada | Filing property liens
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Mechanics Lien


Mechanics Lien Filing 

Lien-Pro does not provide Mechanics Lien filing or filing property liens against land in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories and Nunavut in Canada. If you would like a referral to a Lien-Pro partner, please contact us. A Mechanics Lien in these provinces is referred to as a Construction Lien or Builders Lien in other provinces in Canada. In the provinces named above, you can file a lien against property with a Mechanics Lien

*Lien-Pro only files liens against land. We do not file liens against vehicles or other moveable property (cars, trucks, trailers, boats, etc.)

Some provinces have both Builders' Liens and Mechanics' Liens. In the United States Builders Liens are called Mechanics' Liens. You will find more information here about Mechanics Liens

Mechanics' Lien on Property 

If you have provided work and-or materials to property, you can file a Mechanics' Lien in New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Mechanics Liens are a risk management tool to leverage payment from an overdue customer. A Mechanics Lien in these provinces ensures you have a secured interest in a property you have worked on- or supplied materials to a job site. Generally, liens are a collection tool in the event of non-payment. Lien-Pro specializes in filing Builders Liens, Construction Liens and Mechanics Liens

In British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Nova Scotia and the Yukon, a Mechanics Lien is separate from a Builders Lien. In these provinces, Mechanics Liens are separate from Builders Liens property and are also called car liens. Liens are filed against your customer and attached to the vehicle's title. In Canada, Garagekeepers Liens and the Mechanics Lien definitions are one in the same and interchangeable throughout Canada. 

Note: Lien-Pro Does Not currently provide mechanics' liens against vehicles. We provide Builders' Lien filing on a property and Mechanics' Lien filing on a property

Mechanics Lien Filing Deadline - Property 

Mechanics Liens have a drop dead lien filing deadline, which varies in each province. In the provinces where you can file on a property with a Mechanics' Lien, you should refer to our definition page on Builders Liens. To determine your deadline for filing a lien on property in Canada use our Lien filing date deadline calculator

Never miss a lien filing deadline again with our Lien-Protection Plans.

Need to file a Mechanics Lien?

Give us a call and a Lien-Pro lien technician can answer any questions you may have. You can also schedule a free Introductory Introductory consultation on filing a Mechanics Lien.




Select the province where your project is located
 AB - Alberta   BC - British Columbia  
ON - Ontario
 SK - Saskatchewan    

 *Note: Lien-Pro does not currently provide lien filing services in MB, QC, the Maritimes (NS, PEI, NL), or Territories (NWT, YK, NU). If you would like a referral to a Lien-Pro partner, please contact us.